本章介紹用來指涉事物的冠詞以及以-ius結尾的特殊形容。由於變化繁多,有點難背,一般會用ille, illa, illud以及hic, haec, hoc這樣的順序背誦,youtube有些背誦歌可以參考。
Ille, that, those
| SINGLE | PLURAL | ||||
N | Ille | Illa | Illud | Illi | Illae | Illa |
G | Illius | Illius | Illius | Illorum | Illarum | Illorum |
D | Illi | Illi | Illi | Illis | Illis | Illis |
Ac | Illum | Illam | Illud | Illos | Illas | Illa |
Ab | Illo | Illa | Illo | Illis | Illis | Illis |
Hic, this, these
| SINGLE | PLURAL | ||||
N | Hic | Haec | Hoc | Hi | Hae | Haec |
G | Huius | Huius | Huius | Horum | Harum | Horum |
D | Huic | Huic | Huic | His | His | His |
Ac | Hunc | Hanc | Hoc | Hos | Has | Haec |
Ab | Hoc | Hac | Hoc | His | His | His |
Iste, that (near you), that of yours
(follow the declension of ille)
| SINGLE | PLURAL | ||||
N G D Ac Ab | Iste Istius Isti Istum Isto | Ista Istius Isti Istam Ista | Istud Istius Isti Istud Isto | Isti Istorum Istis Istos Istis | Istae Istarum Istis Istas Istis | Ista Istorum Istis Ista Istis |
上述這些字都可以用來指涉事物,好比說hic liber便指這本書,而ille liber說那本書(距離發話者較遠,或者是比較靠近談話對象)。Hic與ille有時可以等同於英文中的the former或是the latter。在某些狀況下,這幾個詞會比其他像是他的、你的、我的等等的指稱詞還要有力道,比方說hic rex就可能隱含有有名的意思,所以可以翻成this famous king;而iste則有時會有負面意涵,被翻譯做英文中的such,好比說iste tyrannus可以翻成that despicable tyrant。
| | |
U | Unus, -a, -um | One |
N | Nullus, -a, -um | No, none |
U | Ullus, -a, -um | Any |
S | Solus, -a, um | Alone, only |
| ||
N | Neuter, neutra, neutrum | Neither |
A | Alius, -a, -ud | Another, other |
U | Uter, utra, utrum | Either, which (of two) |
T | Totus, -a, -um | Whole, entire |
A | Alter, altera, alterum | The other (of two) |
這九個形容詞可以用一個水手(UNUS NAUTA)來記,除了alius的中性是以-ud結尾外,其餘大致在主格時都遵守-us, -a, -um的規則,在不同格時的變化基本上也與ille, illius同,唯獨alius在修飾單數名詞時,三性之屬格已Alterius表現,而在中性的受格是以aliud方式呈現,而非-um。簡單用表格表示如下:
| Solus (Sg.) | Alius (Sg.) | ||||
N | Solus | Sola | Solum | Alius | Alia | Aliud |
G | Solius | Solius | Solius | Alterius | Alterius | Alterius |
D | Soli | Soli | Soli | Alii | Alii | Alii |
Ac | Solum | Solam | Solum | Alium | Aliam | Aliud |
Ab | Solo | Sola | Solo | Alio | Alia | Alio |
PL. | Soli | Solae | Sola | Alii | Aliae | Alia |
NUON | ||
Locus, loci | m | Place, passage in literature |
Loca, locorum | n | Places, region |
Loci, locorum | m | Passage in literature |
Morbus, morbi | m | Disease, sickness |
Stadium, studii | n | Eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study |
Hic, haec, hoc | | This; the latter; at times weakened to he, she, it, they |
Ille, illa, illud | | That, the former; the famous; he, she, it, they |
Iste, ista, istud | | That of yours, that; such; sometimes with contemptuous force, e.g., that despicable, that wretched |
Alius, alia, aliud | | Other, another; alii…alii, some…others |
Alter, altera, alterum | | The other (of two), second |
Neuter, neutra, neutrum | | Not either, neither |
Nullus, nulla, nullum | | Not any, no, none |
Solus, sola, solum | | Alone, only, the only; non solum…sed etiam, not only…but also |
Totus, tota, totum | | Whole, entire |
Ullus, ulla, ullum | | Any |
Unus, una, unum | | One, single, alone |
Uter, utra, utrum | | Either, which (of two) |
OTHER | ||
Enim | Conj. | For, in fact, truly |
In | Prep. | +acc., into, toward; against |
Nimis, nimium | Adv. | Too, too much, excessively |
1. Hic tōtus liber litterās Rōmānās semper laudat.
This entire book always praises Roman literature.
先從動詞分析得知主格應該是單數名詞,而litteras Romanas從字尾得知為動詞作用對象,而剩下的hic totus liber為單數名詞主格形式。
2. Hī igitur illīs deābus herī grātiās agēbant.
These men, therefore, gave thanks to those goddesses yesterday.
從agebant得知時態為未完成式,主格為複數名詞,但illis deabus為與格,所以主格應為hi (viri)。
3. Illud dē vitiīs istīus rēgīnae nunc scrībam, et ista poenās dabit.
I shall now write that about the vices of that despicable queen, and that woman will pay the penalty.
4. Neuter alterī plēnam cōpiam pecūniae tum dabit.
Neither man will then give a full supply of money to the other.
從dabit知道主格是單數名詞,且時態為未來式。而plenam copiam為受格,pecuniae可能為複數的主格,但從動詞的字尾將此可能性刪除,故可能為屬格。而alteri從字尾得知是與格。
5. Potestne laus ūllīus terrae esse perpetua?
Can the glory of any land be perpetual?
6. Labor ūnīus numquam poterit hās cōpiās vincere.
The work of one man will be able to never overcome these troops.
7. Mōrēs istīus scrīptōris erant nimis malī.
The character of that writer was extremely evil.
8. Nūllī magistrī, tamen, sub istō vēra docēre audēbant.
Nevertheless, no teacher (Pl. in Lat.) dared to teach true things under that man.
9. Valēbitne pāx in patriā nostrā post hanc victōriam?
Will peace be strong in our fatherland after this victory?
10. Dum illī ibi remanent, aliī nihil agunt, aliī discunt.
While those men remain there, some do nothing, others learn.
11. Cicero was writing about the glory of the other man and his wife.
Cicero de gloria alterius viri et uxoris scribebat.
12. The whole state was thanking this man’s brother alone.
Civitas tota fratri huius viri soli gratias agebat.
13. On account of that courage of yours those (men) will lead no troops into these places tomorrow.
Propter istam virtutem, illi non copias in haec loca cras ducent.
14. Will either book be able to overcome the faults of these times?
Poteritne uter liber vitia horum temporum vincere?
1. Ubi illās nunc vidēre possum? (Terence.)
Where can I see those women now?
2. Hic illam virginem in mātrimōnium dūcet. (Terence. — mātrīmōnium, –iī, n., marrage)
This man will lead that virgin into marrage.
3. Huic cōnsiliō palmam dō. (Terence. –palma, –ae, f., palm branch of victory)
I give the palm branch to this decision.
4. Virtūtem enim illīus virī amāmus. (Cicero.)
We truly love the virtue of that man.
5. Sōlus hunc iuvāre potes. (Terence.)
You alone can help this man.
6. Poena istīus ūnīus hunc morbum cīvitātis relevābit sed perīculum semper remanēbit. (Cicero. –relevāre, to relieve, diminish)
The punishment of that one man will relieve this illness of the state, but the danger will always remain.
7. Hī enim dē exitiō huius cīvitātis et tōtīus orbis terrārum cōgitant. (Cicero. –orbis, orbis, m., cycle, orb; orbis terrarium, the world)
These men are truly thinking about the destruction of this state and the entire world.
8. Est nūllus locus utrī hominī in hāc terrā. (Martial.)
There is no place for either man in this land.
9. Nōn sōlum ēventus hoc docet — iste est magister stultōrum! — sed etiam ratiō. (Livy. — ēventus, outcome)
Not only does the outcome teach this – that man is the teacher of fools! – but also reason (does).
(Martial 12.10; meter: choliambic. — Africānus, –ī, a name– mīliēns, million –captāre, to hunt for legacies)
Habet Africānus mīliēns, tamen captat.
Fortūna multīs dat nimis, satis nūllī.
Africanus has million; nevertheless, he hunts for the legacies.
Fortune gives too much to many, enough for no one.
(Seneca, Epistulae 17.5.)
–vīs, you wish –studēre, +dat., to be eager for, devote oneself to–frūgālitās, –tātis, f., recall that many. –paupertas, -tatis, f., small means, poverty. –voluntarius, -a, -um, =Eng. –tollere, to take away. –excusatio, onis, f., excuse. –nondum, adv., not yet. –totum, entire (but if translating it into English, entirely would be better). –incipe, begin!
Sī vīs studēre philosophiae animōque, hoc studium nōn potest valēre sine frūgālitāte.
If you wish to devote yourself to philosophy and the soul, this study can’t be strong without recalling many times.
Haec frūgālitās est paupertās voluntāria.
This repeation is a voluntary poverty.
Tolle, igitur, istās excūsātiōnēs: “Nōndum satis pecūniae habeō. Sī quandō illud ‘satis’ habēbō, tum mē tōtum philosophiae dabō.”
Therefore, take away those excuses: “I have no enough money. If ever I will have that enough, then I will give myself entirely to philosophy.”
Incipe nunc philosophiae, nōn pecūniae, studēre.
Begin, now, to devote yourself to philosophy, not pecuniae.