2019年3月28日 星期四

Transformative Experience of Graduate Study

 我完全同意L.A. Paul的看法:讀研究所(讀博)是一個transformative experience,所以最後不管決定讀或不讀,這個決定都不會是「理性的」。

只是,單就讀研究所(讀博)這事來說,even if you do know how it feels like, choosing between doing a PhD in philosophy and financially secured career path can still be very “hard” (Ruth Chang’s incommensurability and hard choice).

These are actually the two major reasons that I refuse to either encourage or discourage people to pursue a career as a professional philosopher. If you've never heard about Chang's hard choice and Paul's transformative experience, I recommend you google these two a bit. Quite inspiring. 



