以知名的第十三章on the natural condition of mankind as concerning their felicity and misery來說,第二段的setting aside the arts grounded upon words, and especially that skill of proceeding upon general and infallible rules, called science 只翻出了science的部分,譯作「但於此須將科學之技能除外」。後面的第四十三章on what is necessary for a man's reception into the kingdom of heaven也是從第一段開始,就有無數漏譯though it be the command even of his lawful sovereign (whether a monarch or a sovereign assembly) or the command of his father 翻作「則其他縱係君父之命」,whether a monarch or a sovereign assembly完全略過。難怪這個中譯本可以打破我對譯本通常會比較厚的認知,只有不到三百頁。
除了「抽譯」的問題之外,第十三章的開頭兩段的翻譯也有許多微妙之處for prudence is but experience被譯作「蓋人之精明,由於經驗」、That which may perhaps make such equality incredible, is but a vain conceit of one's own wisdom的That which may perhaps make such equality incredible被翻成了「人之所以為至於他人者」(incredible!!!),而後面的but a vain conceit of one's own wisdom我實在不知道怎麼會翻譯成「實為一種自滿的假設」conceit是excessive pride in oneself,翻成妄尊自大才比較正確吧,到底何來的假設呢?
Hobbes寫的雖然是英文,但他的英文句構還是受到許多拉丁文的影響,對現代讀者來說不是那麼好懂,許多的片語現在也比較少見了。推薦有興趣想要好好讀讀Hobbes的朋友考慮考慮參照著前劍橋教授Jonathan Bennett放在他的網站"Early Modern Texts"上的「英英」譯本,一邊讀Hobbes,一邊也可以學學Bennett的英文,一舉數得。