前面四章我們都只學到現在式,在第五章Wheelock’s latin開始介紹未來式(future)以及未完成式(imperfect)。以第一章時所提過的laudare以及monere為例,其在未來式的變化如下:
Laudabo Laudabis Laudabit Laudabimus Laudabitis Laudabunt | I will/shall praise You will praise He/she/it will praise We will praise You will praise They will praise | Monebo Monebis Monebit Monebimus Monebitis Monebunt | I will/shall warn/advise You will warn/advise He/she/it warn/advise We will warn/advise You will warn/advise They will warn/advise |
Laudabam Laudabas Laudabat Laudabamus Laudabatis Laudabant | I was/kept praising You was/kept praise He/she/it was/kept praise We was/kept praise You was/kept praise They was/kept praise | Monebam Monebas Monebat Monebamus Monebatis Monebant | I was/kept warn/advise You was/kept warn/advise He/she/it was/kept warn/advise We was/kept warn/advise You was/kept warn/advise They was/kept warn/advise |
所以其實看到laudabam時我們可以拆解成lauda-ba-m (praise-was-I)。
在翻譯時,未來式就只要加上will就可以,但是未完成式的翻譯就比較複雜。因為未完成式表示該動作可能在過去那段時間式持續或者一直進展,所以用這樣的形式表達的動詞其實可能表示該動作是(1)were going on, (2)repeated, (3)habitual, (4)attempted, (5)just beinging。所以Nautam monebam可以翻譯成:
I was warning the sailor.
I kept warning the sailor.
I tried to warn the sailor.
I was beginning to warn the sailor.
有的時候,拉丁文的imperfect tense也可以翻成英文中的simple past tense,尤其是有副詞去指陳該動詞的持續性時,好比說以下兩個例子:
Nautam saepe monebam.
I often warned the sailor.
Magister puellas semper laudabat.
The teacher always praise the girls.
在前面四章我們所看到的形容詞都是以-us, -a, -um方式結尾,但事實上有一些形容詞在陽性時是以-er結尾,他的變化有點像是第二章所介紹的puer與ager,與一般-us結尾者不同:
Liber (free) | Pulcher (beautiful) | |||||
M | F | N | M | F | N | |
liber | libera | liberum | pulcher | pulchra | pulchrum | |
N G D | Liber Liberi Libero | Libera Liberae Liberae | Liberrum Liberi Libero | Pulcher Pulchri Pulchro | Pulchra Pulchrae Pulchrae | Pulchrum Pulchri Pulchro |
NOUN | ||
Adulēscentia, -ae | f | Youth, young manhood; youthfulness |
Animus, i | m | Soul, spirit, mind; animi, anumorum, high spirits |
Caelum, i | n | Sky, heaven |
Culpa, -ae | f | Fault, blame |
Gloria, -ae | f | Glory, fame |
Verbum, -i | n | word |
Te | | Abl. & acc.,you; yourself |
Liber, libera, liberum | | free |
Pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum | | Beautiful, handsome; fine |
Noster, nostra, nostrum | | our |
Sanus, sana, sanum | | Sound, healthy, sane |
OTHER | ||
Igitur | Conj. | Therefore, consequently (can’t be the first word) |
-ne | | Attached to the first word, typically a verb or another word on which the question hinges, to introduce a question whose answer is uncertain |
propter | Prep. | +acc., on account of, because of |
Cras | Adv. | Yesterday |
Heri | Adv. | Today |
Quando | | When; si quando, if ever |
Satis | Indecl. Noun, Adj, Adv, | Enough, sufficient |
Tum | Adv. | Then, at that time; thereupon, in the next place |
VERB | ||
Ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatum | | To dine |
Culpo, culpare, culavi, culatum | | To blame, censure |
Maneo, manere, mansi, mansum | | To remain, stay, stay behind, abide, continue (stronger form: remanere) |
Supero, superare, superavi, superatum | | To be above, have the upper hand; surpasee; overcome, conquer |
1. Officium līberōs virōs semper vocābat.
Duty always called free men.
Officium以-um結尾,為此句主格,而liberos viros以-os結尾,為此句受格。
2. Habēbimusne multōs virōs et fēminās magnōrum animōrum?
Will we have many men and women of great courage?
3. Perīcula bellī nōn sunt parva, sed patria tua tē vocābit et agricolae adiuvābunt.
The dangers of war are not small, but your fatherland will call you and the farmers will help.
如果是美麗的危險,那會是pericula bella,但在本句是belli,因此我們知道應該翻做the dangers of war。最後的adiuvabunt是第三人稱複數型,用bu+nt。
4. Propter culpās malōrum patria nostra nōn valēbit.
Because of the evil men’s faults, our country will not be strong.
5. Mora animōs nostrōs superābat et remedium nōn habēbāmus.
The delay was conquering our spirits and we did not possess the cure.
6. Multī in agrīs herī manēbant et Rōmānōs iuvābant.
Many men stayed in the fields yesterday and were helping the Roman people.
7. Paucī virī dē cūrā animī cōgitābant.
Few men used to think about the care of the spirit.
8. Propter īram in culpā estis et crās poenās dabitis.
Because of anger, you are in blame and tomorrow you will pay the penalty.
9. Vērum ōtium nōn habēs, vir stulte!
You do not have true peace, foolish man!
注意,stultus是屬於-us結尾的第二變化陽性單數名詞,其vocative case結尾應為-e。
10. Nihil est sine culpā; sumus bonī, sī paucās habēmus.
Nothing is without fault; we are good if we have few [faults].
11. Poēta amīcae multās rosās dōna pulchra, et bāsia dabat.
The poet used to give his female friend many roses, fine gifts, and kisses.
12. Will war and destruction always remain in our land?
Manebuntne semper bellum et exitium in terra nostra?
13. Does money satisfy the greedy man?
Satiatne pecunia virum avarum ?
14. Therefore, you (sg.) will save the reputation of our foolish boys.
Famam igitur nostrorum puerorum stultorum servabis.
15. Money and glory were conquering the soul of a good man.
Pecunia et gloria animum viri boni superabant.
1. Invidiam populī Rōmānī crās nōn sustinēbis. (Cicero. — invidia –ae, dislike–sustinēre, endure, sustain)
You will not endure the Roman people’s dislike tomorrow.
2. Perīculumne igitur herī remanēbat? (Cicero)
Therefore, did the danger remain yesterday?
3. Angustus animus pecūniam amat. (Cicero. — angustus -a –um, narrow)
A narrow mind loves money.
4. Superā animōs et īram tuam. (Ovid.)
Overcome your pride and your anger.
這邊的animos是複數受格的animus,animi有high spirits的意思,所以可以翻譯做pride。
5. Culpa est mea, O amīcī. (Cicero)
The fault is mine, O friends.
6. Dā veniam fīliō et fīliābus nostrīs. (Terence. –venia -ae, favour, pardon)
Give our son and daughters a favour.
7. Propter adulēscentiam, fīliī meī, mala vītae nōn vidēbātis. (Terence)
Because of youthfulness, my sons, you did not see the bad things of life.
8. Amābō tē, cūrā fīliam meam. (Cicero. — curare, take care of )
Please, take care of my daughter.
9. Vīta hūmāna est supplicium. (Seneca. –supplicium –iī, punishment)
Human life is a punishment.
10. Satisne sānus es? (Terence.)
Are you sane enough?
11. Sī quandō satis pecūniae habēbō, tum mē cōnsiliō et philosophiae dabō. (Seneca. — pecūniae, gen)
If ever I will have enough money, at that time I shall give myself to wisdom and philosophy.
12. Semper glōria et fāma tua manēbunt. (Virgil.)
Your glory and fame will always remain.
13. Vir bonus et perītus aspera verba poētārum culpābit. (Horace. — perītus -a –um, skilful. –asper, -a, -um, rough, harsh)
The good and skilful man will blame the harsh words of the poets
(Martial 7.59. Epigrams — aper, aprī, m, boar, pig. –convīva –ae, m, dinner guest)
Nōn cēnat sine aprō noster, Tite, Caeciliānus:
Titus, our Caecilianus does not dine without a boar:
bellum convīvam Caeciliānus habet!
Caecilianus has a pretty dinner-guest!
exercitus , army– Persicus, –ī, a Persian.– inquit, says.– sagittal, -ae , f, arrow– Lacedaemonius –ī, m, a Spartan.– respondēre, respond.– umbra, -ae, f, shadow, shade; ghost.– pugnāre, to fight.— rēx, king.—exclāmāre, to shout– cum +abl., with.– apud+ acc., among. –inferi, inferorum, m, those below, the dead. — fortasse, adv., perhaps.
“Exercitus noster est magnus,” Persicus inquit,
“Our army is great,” a Persian says,
“et propter numerum sagittārum nostrārum caelum nōn vidēbitis!”
“And because of the number of our arrows, you will not see the sky!”
Tum Lacedaemonius respondet: “In umbrā, igitur, pugnābimus!”
Then a Spartan responds: „“In the shadow, therefore, we will fight!”
Et Leōnidās, rēx Lacedaemoniōrum, exclāmat: “Pugnāte cum animīs, Lacedaemoniī; hodiē apud inferos fortasse cēnābimus!”
And Leonidas, the king of Sparta, shouts: “Fight with high spirits, Spartans; perhaps today we will dine among the dead!”