2010年7月2日 星期五

[GRE] abandon


A+bandon = to/at + power/jurisdiction (from French )

in phrase mettre à bandon "to give up to a public ban,"

這個字大約是在十四世紀晚期出現的,從這個時間點以及字源來看, mettre à bandon 中所說的to give up to a public ban中的ban不是指禁令,而是指中世紀時代領主、騎士所擁有的權利(ban),像是徵稅權阿、土地權阿等等的。所以abandon就演變出有放棄那些自己應對其負責的事物的意思。

Abandon1 放棄

1)VT to leave someone, especially someone you are responsible for

E.g. How could she abandon her own child?

2) VT to go away from a place, vehicle etc permanently, especially because the situation makes it impossible for you to stay

E.g. We have to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way.

abandon yourself to sth

to feel an emotion so strongly that you let it control you completely

She abandoned herself to grief.

Abandon2 放縱

1)UN if someone dose things with abandon, they behave in a careless or uncontrolled way, without thinking or caring what they are doing.

with reckless/wild abandon

They smoked and drank with reckless abandon.

